CONSIGNED Winchester Model 70
7 M/M, 7mm Mauser, 24" Barrel, Original Box, Iron Sights, Hooded Front Sight, Excellent Condition, 1953 Date of Mfg
Manufactured in 1953 during the Transition period (late 1945-51). This period saw an increase in yearly production to satisfy the growing demand for the Model 70. This is a deluxe version of the standard rifle and chambered in the rare 7x57caliber Mauser. Hooded ramp front sight, elevation adjustable rear sight and receiver tapped for scope/sight mounting. Standard Winchester markings including the factory proof on the left side of the barrel and receiver at the breech and "-SUPER GRADE-" on the hinged floor plate. The polished bolt is numbered to the gun (not all Super Grades had a jeweled bolt). The rifle has a Late safety that was fitted on most Model 70s beginning in late 1948. Like the Transition safety, the Late safety was designed to accommodate the installation of telescopic sights without interference, but with an "L" shaped lever. Mounted on a checkered pistol grip stock with forend cap, hard rubber factory grip cap, cheekpiece, quick release sling swivels and checkered steel buttplate. Complete with factory box numbered to gun, hanging tag and instructions. Where else would you find another 7x57 Mauser Super Grade in the factory box?

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